Name of Group or Organization *

Mark One *

The Mission of Organization *

Name of Representative *

Mailing Address *

City *

State *


Phone *

Email *

Name of Event *

Date of Event

Location of Event *

Event Details: In one or two sentences, please state what the goal of your project is (what you hope to accomplish with the proposed event) *

How will the event benefit the community? *

Website/social media *

Attendance *

Estimated Total No. of Attendees:

Estimated No. of Out-of-Town Attendees: *

Estimated No. of Local Attendees: *

Will your event provide overnight stays at Medford hotels? (Room Night: One hotel room occupied for one night) *

Estimated No. of Room Nights to be used in Medford: *

Estimated No. of People Camping or RV-ing: *

Funds Requested *

How will these funds be utilized? Please be specific *


This event is an

What were the event’s attendance numbers last year? *

Did your event provide overnight stays at Medford hotels? *

Please list the hotel(s) your event partnered with last year. *

Please describe the kind of travelers/attendees your event draws *

Do you charge admission? *

Please list any direct or indirect support you currently receive from Travel Medford for this event! *


  The completed application *
  A brief overview of the event marketing plan (How are you marketing the event? What is the scope of your target audience? etc.) *
  A complete list of sponsorship packages *
  A list of event sponsorships secured and the amount *

  * Please Enter All Required Fields
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101 E. 8th St | Medford, OR 97501 | 541-779-4847 |
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